【gre作文攻略】GRE考试作文修改:global university

时间:2018-11-18  来源:GRE  阅读:

GRE考试作文修改:global university



TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world"s most persistent social problems."

It is attempting to agree with the speaker by the nice prospect he describes to us: scholars from all nations come to a global university and cooperate to solve the world"s most persistent social problems. (我觉得这个句子有些啰嗦,可以改为It is attempting to agree with the speaker by the nice prospect that scholars from all nations come to a global university and cooperate to solve the world"s most persistent social problems.)However, under (the)current international environment, that dream could hardly be realized. Before it fulfill(achieving) its goal, it could first cause numerous social problems.

Admittedly, many potential social hazards such as environment problems and poverty gap are ubiquitous in most areas, and solving those problems is far beyond one or a few countries’ competence. The achivements of(made by) International Committee of the Red Cross and International Environment Protection Orgnization have substaintiated the the effectiveness of international cooperation. Thus it is considerable to establish a globle university if it could be free from any intervenor.(这个句子可能是我们的思路有偏差,我无法理解,所以无法评论) In that university, students from different countries could exchange ideas and experience, and thus get a more comprehensive view of those issues. Integrating different techniques, they might conceive original and effective methods to solve the persistent social problems.(上下文一直在重复这句话,可以改为 achieve the ends)


However, Though the ultimate goal is all correct, we could not overlook its negative byproducts. a threshhold problem with such an university emerges before its establishment: where should it locate in? A seemingly feasible answer is in the developed countries since they could provide advanced facilities and generally better social environment. But if (what if)that propose is implemented while all nations have the moral obligation to send their eminences young scholars to that university, in other words, to the developed countries, it would, to some extent, results(result) in lose(the loss) of human resource for under developed countries. If only we do not assume that we are sharing a global government, we should concede that every nation has certain problems that could only be solved within its realm and those problems equally need talented youngsters. What is more, that answer provides convenience for developed countries to propagandize their ideology. To rule out all the considerations mentioned above, the only answer is likely be on the internet, which is evidently flawed in other aspects.

题目说我们要建立一个global university来解决世界上的重大社会问题,你在这段论述的内容是建立的时候会遇到的问题(建在哪里),有点偏题,建立的过程有困难是一回事,应不应该建又是另一回事来源:第一考试网

What is more, even if the university has been built in a proper place, there are still problems: who is to decide the courses of that university? Students have limited energy, they could only focus on several chosen main problems while there are myriad social problems in society, which of them should be given priority or more attention? Is it unemployment in America, poverty in Ethopia, or population explosion in China? Under different environment, each society has distinguishing problems with different degree(level). People in one nation hardly notice the urgency of issues in other nations. A most possible outcome is that the more one devotes or invests in that university, the more right(rights) he possess to make those decisions. Again, the developed countries. Even if the authority of that university could give proper consideration of each main problems in the world, how could we prevent the public of the country that invest most in the university from asking:”Why is our tax paid to solve the problems of other countries?”


In sum, it is pessimistic to deny the prospect of that university, whereas in current time when the political and ideology conflict(conflicts) are so fierce and mutal understanding of different nations is limited, the establishing such a globle university is unfeasible now.



【gre作文攻略】GRE考试作文修改:global university


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