专四听力50篇|专四听力新闻热词 第24期(南水北调)

时间:2018-11-07  来源:公务员类考试  阅读:

专四听力新闻热词 第24期(南水北调)

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南水北调:South-to-North water diversion



According to the South-to-North water diversion office, when part of the project is completed in 2010, about 1 billion cubic meters of water will be diverted to Beijing annually.


上述报道中,South-to-North water diversion就是“南水北调”的英文表达,South-to-North Water Diversion Project是“南水北调工程”,The South-to-North Water Diversion Project, consisting of eastern, middle and western routes, is designed to divert water from the water-rich south of the country, mainly the Yangtze River, the country"s longest, to the dry north.(南水北调工程包括东线、中线、西线三条调水线路,主要从水资源丰富的长江流域往干旱的北方地区输送水源)。(第一考试网整理)

专四听力50篇|专四听力新闻热词 第24期(南水北调)


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